Tuesday, April 22, 2008

50 Ways to Help the Planet


Wire & Twine presents:

50 Ways to Help the Planet!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Solution Day

Here's the problem from Tuesday's post:

"A farmer is taking a fox, a chicken, and a bushel of corn to the market. On his way, there is a river he has to cross. He can only fit himself and one other in his row boat. He can't leave the fox and the chicken together, or the fox will eat the chicken. He also can't leave the chicken and the corn together, or the chicken will eat the corn. How can he get everything across and make it to the market with everything he started with?"

First, the farmer will cross the river with the chicken. He'll leave the chicken on the other side and cross back to pick up the corn (he could pick up either the corn or the fox as you'll learn in a moment). Then he'll cross back with the corn and leave it on the other side. Then, the farmer will take the chicken back to the first side of the river and leave it there. Then he'll take the fox to the other side, cross back alone, and cross the river a final time with the chicken again. Get it?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Fun Finds! (And a New Camera!!!)

Well, I did it. I bought a new camera. I got the one I talked about here, except I bought it in the color blue instead of pink. The only colors that were available in the store (and weren't on backorder online) were blue and brown. Neither looked that bad, and I decided I didn't want to wait another month for a camera, so I went with blue on an impulse. It looks nice, and this time I'll take much better care of it so it won't get stolen!

Well, I've been make-up shopping again! Estée Lauder has been gift-crazy! At the Boston Store right now, Estée Lauder is giving away a free make-up gift set with purchase. Also, online there was a special deal for Estée Lauder subscribers last week for a free sun-protection bag with purchase. Here are some pictures (taken from my new camera) of my new bags:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tricky Tuesday

A farmer is taking a fox, a chicken, and a bushel of corn to the market. On his way, there is a river he has to cross. He can only fit himself and one other in his row boat. He can't leave the fox and the chicken together, or the fox will eat the chicken. He also can't leave the chicken and the corn together, or the chicken will eat the corn. How can he get everything across and make it to the market with everything he started with?

If you can't figure it out, check back later this week for the Solution.