Friday, June 27, 2008

15 Reasons to Date a Figure Skater

I found this while I was surfing the web, and I thought it was cute:

15 Reasons to Date a Figure Skater

1. We learn new positions fast
2. We enjoy sliding on long thin objects
3. We perform to please the crowd
4. We enjoy an audience
5. We like being video taped
6. We are seductive
7. We have strong abs and tight thighs
8. We show off our legs
9. We compete for the best spot
10.We always want the top
11.We work hard to get what we want
12.We push harder and harder to go as fast as we want
13.We do what we’re told
14.We like doing hard things
15.We like doing it right

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Solution Day

You have SIX lines.

| | | | | |

Add FIVE lines to make NINE.

You can only add FIVE lines, no more and no less.

How will you make NINE?

The FIVE lines are added to the previous lines in diagonals and horizontal lines to form the word "NINE"

This makes the solution:


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tricky Tuesday

Okay, it's been awhile, I know.

You have SIX lines.

| | | | | |

Add FIVE lines to make NINE.

You can only add FIVE lines, no more and no less.

How will you make NINE?

Check back Thursday for the answer!!